The day after Emmanuel Macron’s televised speech announcing the national reconfinement, Prime Minister Jean Castex and members of his government met this Thursday, October 29 to detail the health measures to be applied in the coming weeks to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic. Update on essenitel.
Closure of shops, bars and restaurants
During his speech, Jean Castex enumerated the list of establishments that will have to close during this second confinement. The authorities have thus decided to close all shops, with the exception of so-called essential shops. Among the establishments affected by the closure, we can cite: bars and restaurants, shops other than essentials, multipurpose rooms and conference rooms, performance halls and cinemas, sports halls, amusement parks. ‘attractions, shows, fairs and exhibitions.
Unlike the first confinement, there are still some exceptions: parks and gardens will always be accessible, food markets will remain open (unless the prefects decide otherwise), sports training and professional competitions can continue as well as rehearsals of shows. , recordings and shootings.
Finally, the Prime Minister clarified that: “ All public transport services will remain open and their level of service should be maintained. […] The hotels will be able to keep a small activity for essential business trips “.
While most businesses are closing their doors, “closed businesses as well as restaurants will not be able to welcome the public but will be able to continue to operate for delivery activities and the withdrawal of orders” as announced by the French Prime Minister.
Mandatory telework “five days out of five”
According to Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Labor: “ teleworking is not an option but an obligation for workers, employees or self-employed, who can exercise their activity remotely “. This is why it is expected that a worker who can perform all his tasks by teleworking must work at home five days out of five.
For employees who cannot work at home, the Minister of Labor clarified: ” Those who cannot perform all their tasks remotely can devote part of their time to the workplace, for example in a design office for an engineer or a technician, or for an architect who needs specific equipment to work “. For those whose trades cannot be carried out remotely, a derogatory certificate must be provided by the employer.
Factories, farms and construction sites will continue to operate, as will post offices and public service counters which will remain open.
Wearing a mask for children from the age of 6
As the Head of State mentioned on Wednesday, nurseries, schools, colleges and high schools remain open unlike universities and higher education establishments which must carry out their courses remotely (apart from practical work).
During his speech, Jean-Michel Blanquer indicated that a new reinforced health protocol must be put in place in accordance with the opinion sent by the High Council of Public Health. Among the new measures, the Prime Minister announced that the wearing of masks would be extended to primary school children from the age of 6.
Places of worship open but religious ceremonies prohibited
As for places of worship, Jean Castex announced that they will remain open but that religious ceremonies will be prohibited during confinement except for burials, up to 30 people, and for weddings up to six people. .
Cemeteries and florists will remain open for the weekend of All Saints. ” A tolerance will be applied for the ceremonies scheduled this All Saints weekend, as well as for trips to cemeteries and flower shops. “, Had specified the head of government.