Have your hearing tested: this is the best way to do it
Do you turn the television up louder, do you tire easily in company or do you regularly miss the joke at a party? Then it is a good idea to have your hearing tested. Wil Verschoor, director of the Hoormij/NVVS patient organization, explains how best to approach this.
Almost everyone will experience hearing loss at some point in life,” says Wil Verschoor. “Like our sight, hearing slowly deteriorates with age. It is therefore not a question of whether you will suffer from hearing loss, but when. But while glasses are a hip fashion accessory nowadays, wearing a hearing aid is still a big taboo. Many people have the idea that they are really old when they start wearing such a device. They are afraid that everyone will see it. That’s a shame, because the time when you walked around with a large device on your ear is really over. Research shows that people are on average seven to ten years late starting a hearing aid. A missed opportunity, because the name says it all, it is actually a good tool to relieve daily discomfort.”
How can you notice that your hearing is deteriorating?
“If you always have to sit in the front in the theater or at a conference to be able to hear it well, then that is of course a sign on the wall. But there are also less noticeable symptoms of hearing loss. Getting tired quickly is one of them. If you have bad hearing, you have to try hard all the time to understand everything and that makes you tired. Sometimes more serious complaints can be traced back to poor hearing, such as concentration problems or depression. The latter is because people – consciously or unconsciously – withdraw more from social life if they do not hear well. There is a danger that you will become more and more self-absorbed. This can make you feel lonely or depressed. Hearing loss is easy to mask. If you don’t see well, everyone will soon say that you need glasses or reading glasses. Hearing loss is much less noticeable, while the consequences can be very serious.”
Besides aging, what else can cause hearing loss?
“An important cause is exposure to noise. If your ears are regularly exposed to loud noise, your hearing can be damaged. An estimated one million people in the Netherlands suffer from tinnitus. You will then hear a constant tone, beep or hum in your ears. This is not only disturbing, but also makes it harder to concentrate on other sounds. There are also less serious causes of hearing loss, such as earwax, a cold, or an ear infection. You can also develop hearing loss from certain medications, such as some antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, chemotherapy drugs, or water tablets. If you don’t hear well, ask the pharmacy or doctor whether your medication could be a cause of this.”
Testing your hearing at home: a good idea?
“A home test can give an indication of how your hearing is doing. If you are 50, but the test shows a hearing age of 80, then you know enough. on www.hoortest.nl find a good home test. on www.hoorwijzer.nl You can fill in a handy questionnaire about your hearing from the Hoormij foundation. You will also find information about which specialist can best advise you with specific complaints, and tips for choosing the right hearing aid.”
When do you go to the doctor?
“If you start to hear less and less around retirement age, then you can do just fine with a visit to the hearing care professional. If you get complaints earlier, it is wise to go to the doctor first. He or she can then investigate the cause of the complaints and possibly refer you to the right specialist. If it turns out that you have a hearing loss of more than 35 decibels in one or both ears, then a hearing aid is really necessary to be able to perceive sounds properly and understand conversations. In that case, at least 75 percent of the costs will be reimbursed by the insurer.”
How reliable is a hearing test in a store?
“There is a lot of difference in the quality of care that hearing care professionals provide. My advice is to ask in your area whether people have experience with a good hearing care professional. They often offer a free hearing test. The results usually give a good indication of your hearing. But a hearing care professional also wants to sell hearing aids. Hearing specialists regularly offer very expensive devices, while most people don’t need them at all. Hearing aids are classified into categories; from 1 for mild hearing loss to 5 for severe hearing loss. Most people can handle a device from one of these categories. In addition, there is another category of very expensive devices for the hearing impaired. These devices have many features and are made using the latest techniques. Only a few percent of the hearing impaired need such a device. The insurance does not reimburse these devices. In some cases, you can submit a special request for care to your health insurance company in order to receive reimbursement. You do need a medical certificate from an audiologist.”
What is the most important tip for good hearing?
“Protecting yourself from loud noise is the most important thing. Sometimes you can suffer permanent hearing damage after you have been exposed to noise once. So don’t put music on your headphones too loud, don’t stand too close to the speakers during a concert and protect your hearing while riding a motorcycle. Wearing earplugs is a good idea. But above all: do not continue if you have complaints and suspect that your hearing has deteriorated. There is often a lot to do and a hearing aid can really make life a lot more pleasant.”
When do you go to the doctor?
“If you start to hear less and less around retirement age, then you can do just fine with a visit to the hearing care professional. If you get complaints earlier, it is wise to go to the doctor first. He or she can then investigate the cause of the complaints and possibly refer you to the right specialist. If it turns out that you have a hearing loss of more than 35 decibels in one or both ears, then a hearing aid is really necessary to be able to perceive sounds properly and understand conversations. In that case, at least 75 percent of the costs will be reimbursed by the insurer.”
How reliable is a hearing test in a store?
“There is a lot of difference in the quality of care that hearing care professionals provide. My advice is to ask in your area whether people have experience with a good hearing care professional. They often offer a free hearing test. The results usually give a good indication of your hearing. But a hearing care professional also wants to sell hearing aids. Hearing specialists regularly offer very expensive devices, while most people don’t need them at all. Hearing aids are classified into categories; from 1 for mild hearing loss to 5 for severe hearing loss. Most people can handle a device from one of these categories. In addition, there is another category of very expensive devices for the hearing impaired. These devices have many features and are made using the latest techniques. Only a few percent of the hearing impaired need such a device. The insurance does not reimburse these devices. In some cases, you can submit a special request for care to your health insurance company in order to receive reimbursement. You do need a medical certificate from an audiologist.”
What is the most important tip for good hearing?
“Protecting yourself from loud noise is the most important thing. Sometimes you can suffer permanent hearing damage after you have been exposed to noise once. Therefore, do not put music on your headphones too loud, do not stand too close to the speakers during a concert and protect your hearing while riding a motorcycle. Wearing earplugs is a good idea. But above all: do not continue if you have complaints and suspect that your hearing has deteriorated. There is often a lot that can be done and a hearing aid can really make life a lot more pleasant.”
This is an article previously published in Plus Magazine September 2022. Want to subscribe to the magazine? You can do that in an instant!
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