November 3, 2016.
If quitting smoking is a matter of will, it is difficult to become a non-smoker without concrete help. They are numerous and the “Tobacco-free Me (s)” which has just started could be an opportunity to test them.
Nicotine substitutes are now reimbursed
The operation “Moi (s) sans tabac” began on 1er November and you may not yet be one of those French people who will try, for thirty days, to say goodbye to nicotine. However, it is not too late to join the movement and if the will and motivation are with you, November could be the last of your life as a smoker.. Often, however, these two qualities are not enough to quit smoking and to give a boost to aspiring ex-smokers, there are many means available, and all of them have been proven to work. You just need to find the right one for you.
Patches or other nicotine substitutes are often the first options a smoker considers when quitting. Effective in reducing the need for nicotine, they do not make it possible to compensate for the lack of the “gesture” of the smoker. On the other hand, it is an economical means, since the 1er November, the Health Insurance reimburses nicotine replacement therapy prescribed by your doctor (patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler, etc.) up to € 150 per calendar year and per beneficiary.
Hypnotists, homeopaths, osteopaths …
Drug treatments also exist. They help alleviate the lack of tobacco. Prescribed by a doctor, they are subject to precautions for use to be scrupulously observed. You can also turn to homeopathy, which has proven successful in many former smokers..
Less conventional, some methods have also proven their effectiveness. Hypnotists claim a success rate close to 80%, when some osteopaths are renowned for their talents to make you forget the very idea of quitting smoking. Some former smokers also claim to have quit just by reading a book. One thing is certain, to quit smoking, all solutions are good.
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