What are the Conservatives and what are they for?
Preservatives are substances of natural or synthetic origin, the main role of which is to prevent the physicochemical degradation and the development of microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and fungi) in cosmetic products and in particular in face care. They are absolutely essential to ensure the protection of certain categories of cosmetic products (lotions, face creams, etc.), from microbial contamination which may accidentally occur during manufacture or repeated use by the consumer. Facials have a long shelf life (6 to 12 months after opening) and are stored at room temperature. Poorly protected and contaminated facial care can lead to health risks for the consumer.
What do we blame the Conservatives for?
Despite the essential role of preservatives in protecting skin care, their benefit is regularly disputed. They are often accused of causing allergies, and singled out as endocrine disruptors.
How do we ensure their safety?
The number and concentration of preservatives that can be used in skin care are very limited and strictly regulated by numerous international regulations. The safety data of these preservatives are regularly reviewed by scientific experts from international health authorities, in order to take into account the most recent studies. The concentrations that can be used in skin care can on this occasion be adjusted, in order to rule out potential impacts on the health of the consumer.
Why is L’Oréal Paris face care protection safe?
L’Oréal Paris uses a very limited number of preservatives chosen for each facial treatment, when microbiological protection cannot be ensured by any other means. Preservatives and their concentrations are rigorously selected to guarantee the right level of microbiological protection of the treatment studied, in strict compliance with international regulations, while ensuring perfect safety for the consumer.
L’Oréal has also developed an aggressive innovation strategy in the field of microbiological protection of formulas consisting of i) to look for new preservatives with an irreproachable safety profile and ii) to develop specific packaging and new formulations that are not vulnerable to microbiological contamination.