December 7, 2017.
Reports are growing on the unworthy living conditions of patients in psychiatric hospitals. But what can we do?
Overcrowding in mental hospitals
Psychiatry must be reformed. This is in any case what the deputy (LREM) Jean-François Mbaye thinks, who visited Tuesday, December 5 the psychiatry department of the Albert-Chenevier hospital (AP-HP) in Créteil. The main problem is overpopulation. Hospitals lack staff and space to provide quality patient care. ” Officially, we have 100 places », Explains Pr Pelissolo, in the columns of Parisian. ” But all the time we are turning 105-110 patients. “
An observation shared by Barbara Pompili, the LREM deputy, who went to the Pinel psychiatric hospital in Amiens a month ago. ” Between knowing that psychiatry is encountering difficulties and seeing the living dead parked, there is a step “, she had then launched. Things could change since the Prime Minister has agreed to receive her and to see with her how it would be possible to resolve the situation.
A bill under consideration
For his part, the deputy of France rebellious François Ruffin presented Wednesday, December 6 a bill so that the budget of psychiatric hospitals can evolve in the same way as other hospitals (+ 2% per year). All the political groups, except LREM, have already signed this proposal. As for the Minister of Health, she promised a “ psychiatry plan »And an envelope of 44 million euros.
According to François Ruffin, who is releasing a book on this topic, “ some patients sleep four in a room for two … for a year and a half “. ” If we are not crazy when entering, we are crazy when leaving », He laments. He and Barbara Pompili asked that a round table on psychiatry be organized in their presence at the Regional Health Agency (ARS). To be continued …
Marine Rondot
To find out more: Public health establishments: what are they?