Each year, almost half of cancers could be avoided in France. To do this, you must get rid of bad habits, such as smoking, and adopt new reflexes, including regular physical activity.
- Nearly half of cancers are preventable in France.
- To do this, we must adopt a better lifestyle.
- This involves stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, eating a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
Among the 346,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed in adults aged 30 and over in France in 2015, 142,000 are attributable to known risk factors, or 41% of all new cases of cancer. This is one of the conclusions of a report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (INCa), published in 2018. This means that almost half of cancers are preventable, thanks to changes in habits. However, according to the latest INCa Cancer Barometer, 28.8% of the population surveyed think that “There is nothing we can do to prevent illness.”. To combat these preconceived ideas, the institute provides four ways to reduce your risk of cancer.
Stopping smoking helps reduce your risk of cancer
The leading risk factor for cancer is tobacco in France: it is responsible for 68,000 new cases each year, or around 20% of the total number of new cancers diagnosed. “It is by far the leading risk factor for cancer, agrees Jean-Baptiste Méric, medical director and oncologist at the Bligny Hospital Center (91) in a video of the INCa, and that we consume tobacco in any form whatsoever: cigarette, pipe, cigar, hookah and even unheated tobacco.” Every cigarette smoked harms your health: “the duration of tobacco consumption is even more dangerous than the daily number of cigarettes smoked”, underlines the institute. But the oncologist points out that it is “never too late to stop smoking”. To achieve this, it is possible to seek help from a specialist. Jean-Baptiste Méric specifies that a smoker accompanied by a health professional has an 80% greater chance of successfully quitting.
Preventable cancer: you must reduce your alcohol consumption
One of the other major risk factors for cancer is alcohol. It is classified as a proven human carcinogen by the IARC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer. “It even constitutes the second preventable cause of cancer mortality, after tobacco., adds Dr Méric. It is associated with a higher risk of cancer of the breast, mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, liver, stomach, colon and rectum. The greater the quantity of alcohol consumed, the greater this risk increases. To limit it, you must reduce the frequency and quantity of alcohol consumed. “By not exceeding ten glasses of alcohol per week, with a maximum of two glasses of alcohol per day, and not every day, we can act for our future health.he warns.
A balanced and varied diet to stay healthy
The Inca also reminds us that health comes from the plate. “A balanced and varied diet, favoring fiber, fruits and vegetables, is a protective factor and likely to reduce the risk of cancer.announces the organization. Conversely, high consumption of certain foods (red meat, cold meats, etc.) increases this risk.” For red meat, you should not exceed 500 grams per week, and 150 grams per week for cold meats. Some cooking techniques should be limited, such as frying or barbecuing. Furthermore, an unbalanced diet increases the risk of overweight and obesity, which are themselves risk factors for cancer.
Physical activity, one of the keys to reducing the risk of cancer
Finally, reducing the risk of cancer also relies on physical activity. “Whatever your age, practicing regular physical activity and limiting sedentary time are essential for health, develops INCa. They reduce the risk of being overweight and developing chronic diseases as well as cancers.” It is recommended to practice 30 minutes of daily physical activity, for an adult: active walking, sports, gardening, etc. According to theWorld Health Organizationone in four adults worldwide does not engage in physical activity at recommended levels.