Long-term use of paracetamol when pregnant puts your unborn child at risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to a new study.
When you are pregnant, acetaminophen – also known as paracetamol – is the only pain reliever you can take throughout your pregnancy. But taken for a long time, it is not without risk for the health of her unborn baby. A new meta-analysis published in American Journal of Epidemiology just confirmed it.
A link established between paracetamol and the risk of autism or hyperactivity
Conducted by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine, this meta-analysis assessed the possible link between prolonged exposure to paracetamol during pregnancy and the risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum (ASD). The large longitudinal study is, according to the researchers, the “most in-depth yet”. It covered 132,738 pairs of mothers and children over a follow-up period of 3 to 11 years.
By analyzing the results, the researchers noticed that taking paracetamol for a long time during pregnancy increased the risk of ADHD by 30% and by 20% that of ASD compared to women who did not take this analgesic when they were pregnant.
Results that require caution
“Our study provides a comprehensive first overview of developmental outcomes after prolonged acetaminophen use during pregnancy,” says Dr. Ilan Matok, lead author of the study.
The latter, however, would like to point out that the results brought to light by the meta-analysis have significant limitations and that they must therefore be interpreted with caution so as not to worry pregnant women unduly.
“Our results suggest an association between prolonged acetaminophen use and an increased risk of autism and ADHD, but the observed increase in risk was small, and existing studies have significant limitations,” he points out. While unnecessary use of any medication should be avoided during pregnancy, we believe our results should not alter current practice and women should not avoid short-term acetaminophen use when clinically appropriate. necessary.”
Taking paracetamol when you are pregnant is sometimes necessary
When you are pregnant, the use of paracetamol should not be completely prohibited because it may happen that its intake is necessary, remind the researchers. “It is important to understand that pain and fever during pregnancy can have an adverse effect on the development of the fetus and that acetaminophen remains a safe drug during pregnancy,” they note in their statement.
“Therefore, if a pregnant woman exhibits pain and / or fever, acetaminophen may be administered for a restricted period. If the fever and / or pain persists, a practitioner should be consulted,” the statement continued.
According to the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM), paracetamol during pregnancy should be used “on an ad hoc basis at the recommended doses”. Its intake should not exceed 4 g per day, or one tablet every six hours.