Children whose mothers consume high doses of omega-3 fatty acids during the third trimester of pregnancy are less likely to develop respiratory problems, according to the rresults of two studies published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.
Researchers at the University of South Florida in Tampa in the United States performed a meta-analysis of two articles. The New England Journal of Medicine study included 346 pregnant women who took fatty acids Omega 3 every day of the third trimester of pregnancy and 349 who took a placebo. The researchers also divided the trial population into three groups based on their blood fatty acid levels. Omega 3. The population with the weakest benefited from fish oil supplementation.
For the second study, the scientists randomly prescribed fish oil supplements, a placebo, or no oil to women six months or older who were pregnant.
The last “oil-free” group could consume either fish or fish oil supplements during their last trimester.
A diet rich in omega 3 against asthma
In conclusion, children born to mothers who had taken fish oil supplements and those in the “oil-free” group took fewer anti-HIV drugs.asthma at the age of 24. This suggests that the two groups had less developed this respiratory disease.
“Fatty acids Omega 3 cannot be synthesized by humans and therefore are essential nutrients that come exclusively from marine sources, “said Chen Hsing Lin.” It may be premature to recommend daily supplementation with large doses of fish oil during the 3rd trimester.”
“At almost equal to slightly more cost, consuming 2-3 servings of fish per week can achieve the same protection against asthma, but enhances nutritional benefits for growth and development in infants,” said Richard Lockey.
The findings of this study confirm the results of a study by the University of Copenhagen which found that women at risk of asthma should enrich their diet with omega 3 during pregnancy to reduce the likelihood of this respiratory disease to their children.
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