Taking paracetamol has been associated with an increased risk of hyperactive disorders in children exposed to the molecule during gestation, according to a study.
Should we blame paracetamol to explain hyperactive disorders in a child? According to a study, published on February 24 in JAMA Pediatrics, taking acetaminophen during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of hyperkinetic or hyperactive disorders in some children.
Researchers at the University of California (USA) reviewed data from the Danish National Cohort. A total of 34,322 children and mothers were selected. Parents reported behavioral disturbances in their child, the diagnosis was confirmed by cross-checking with the prescription register. Telephone questionnaires supplemented the figures by specifying which women had consumed paracetamol during their pregnancy.
The only drug allowed during pregnancy
Large half of the mothers in the study reported taking paracetamol during their pregnancy. Analysis of behavioral disorders in children revealed that the molecule is associated with a 37% increased risk of hyperkinetic disorders. 29% of children were likely to receive treatment against hyperactivity and 13% to develop a behavior close to hyperactivity at 7 years. When taking paracetamol exceeds one trimester, the risk is highest.
Paracetamol is the only drug authorized for the treatment of pain in pregnant women. But it is recommended to limit its use as much as possible. This study still encourages caution. But this is only an association. It will now be necessary to determine what is the cause of this increased risk, because the molecule is not necessarily responsible. However, this is not the first study to assess the risks of paracetamol during pregnancy. Last October, a Norwegian team suggested that taking the drug slowed children’s motor and behavioral development.