June 12, 2002 – The Association for Public Health of Quebec (ASPQ) has just launched the fourth edition of its leaflet entitled “Pregnancy and childbirth – Women’s rights”.1
This brochure, the first edition of which dates back to 1989, emphasizes, among other things, the rights of women to access to comprehensive information about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and alternatives to suggested interventions in order to make informed choices in terms of support, care and treatment. The brochure also aims to encourage the medical profession to respect the choice of families, before, during and after birth. It therefore calls into question certain tests or routine procedures deemed necessary although their health benefit has not been demonstrated.
The ASPQ is an independent, non-profit association that deals with public health and promotes autonomy, informed decision-making, the preservation of the physical and psychological integrity of people and the appropriate use of medical technologies. during the perinatal period. Thanks to the recommendations made during conferences, the ASPQ actively participated in making possible the legalization of the midwifery profession in 1999. It is currently fighting for the demedicalization of childbirth so that parents can live their life responsibly. maternity and paternity and to feel competent to exercise their parental role. She also seeks to sensitize the various stakeholders who work in the medical community in order to change the current biomedical vision focused on the pathology surrounding motherhood.
Élisabeth Mercader – PasseportSanté.net
1. The Association for Public Health of Quebec. [Consulté le 11 juin 2002]. http://www.aspq.org
The “Pregnancy and Childbirth – Women’s Rights” pamphlet is distributed to CLSCs, community perinatal groups and certain doctor’s offices. Make the request. The text of the leaflet is also available online on the PetitMonde site: http://www.petitmonde.com/iDoc/Article.asp?id=22763