It has become a habit for many of us. However, posting your dish on Instagram can make you fat.
- In 2020, nearly one in two French people (47.3%) was overweight and/or obese.
- The complications of obesity and overweight are multiple, ranging from cardiovascular diseases to certain cancers.
According to a new study published in Appetite magazinetaking a picture of your dish before eating it and then posting it on Instagram leads to consuming more calories.
Two groups of students tested
To reach these conclusions, researchers from Georgia Southern University (USA) recruited 145 students and then invited them to snack on cheese crackers. A first group was instructed to take a picture of the aperitif cakes before eating them, while a second group tasted them normally. All the participants then assessed whether they liked the crackers and whether they wanted to take them again.
After analyzing the responses, the scientists found that the young people who took pictures of their aperitif cakes before eating them liked them more than the others. They also wanted more.
Avoid pictures
“Our results indicate that taking a picture of your food encourages you to take it again”, conclude the researchers. They warn: “People looking to eat smaller portions should avoid taking pictures of what they are eating, especially when it comes to foods they enjoy.”