How do you prepare for a flight?
Check-in in advance online so you can relax and have a good time at the airport. Remember that you will be sitting for a long time, so do not hesitate to walk around the terminal before boarding. Keep your skin fresh by regularly applying moisturizer.
“To look good after a long flight, try to avoid heavy meals. Drink alcohol, tea and coffee in moderation the day before your trip. And finally, wear comfortable clothes” adds Mark Vanhoenacker, Senior First Officer (pilot ) British Airways and author of Skyfaring: A Journey with a Pilot.
What type of medication to take to relax?
“We recommend instead a nap and relaxation exercises to help the passengers relax,” explains the pilot.
What should I avoid taking as medication?
We discourage the use of sleeping pills during a flight, as this may prevent you from following the crew’s instructions in an emergency. You might also be too drowsy to move around during the flight, which could increase your chances of traffic problems. If you plan to take medication, keep it in its original packaging, take enough for the duration of the trip, and store it in your carry-on baggage for easy access. If you are new to these medications, try them at home in case they cause side effects. If your prescription exceeds the 100ml limit, you need a copy of your doctor’s prescription. If you are traveling alone, keep a note listing all of your medications and their use. This could be helpful if you suddenly feel sick. People with diabetes on insulin should be aware that on-board personnel are not allowed to refrigerate their prescription. However, most insulin treatments do not need to be kept refrigerated and will not be affected by theft.
What should I avoid doing during the flight?
Moderation should be favored with tea, coffee and alcohol. For coffee, rather than drinking throughout the day, take it when you feel tired and need to stay awake, but avoid having it shortly before going to sleep.
What should I do during the flight?
Eat a light meal and drink plenty of water. After take off, watch the wellness videos and listen to soothing music on our wellness audio channel. Use the mask, headphones and flight socks provided on long haul flights. For those who wear them, remove your contact lenses before sleeping. Use the moisturizer and moisturize your lips with the balm provided for this purpose. “Relax your muscles by doing gentle extension movements and walking down the aisle. If you are traveling to a different time zone, calculate when you should normally be sleeping and schedule a 45-minute nap. This will re-energize you and will help you last until you have to go to bed to get a full night’s sleep, “recalls Mark Vanhoenacker, Senior First Officer, pilot British Airways.
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