In response to François Fillon, Prof. André Grimaldi launched a petition to safeguard our solidarity model of Health Insurance. In seven days, it collected more than 160,000 signatures.
Candidate of the right and the center in the presidential election of 2017, François Fillon plans to leave more room for insurance companies and mutuals in the coverage of risks related to disease. A proposal that does not achieve consensus. “He should return to the social roots of his political commitment and abandon this project, as some in his own camp ask him,” said André Grimaldi.
This professor of medicine launched, a week ago, a petition directly addressed to the man of Sarthe. On, this brought together from the first day many personalities and caregivers. “If the methods of financing social protection deserve a debate, its principles must be preserved for a simple matter of justice, solidarity and cohesion”, remind the petitioners.
No big or small risk
More precisely, these personalities want Social Security to continue “to reimburse not only serious ailments and long-term illnesses but also current, preventive and curative care, as soon as they are justified and the prescribed treatments are effective. demonstrated ”. This sentence sounds like a veto to François Fillon’s initial plan to redefine care baskets.
Now withdrawn from its site, the measure provided for entrusting the big risk to health insurance and the small risk to complementary health insurance (mutuals, insurers, provident institutes).
But for Professor Grimaldi, savings can be made elsewhere. For example on ineffective treatments, unjustified prescriptions and avoidable hospitalizations (more than 20% of expenses). The diabetologist also cites “the sometimes exorbitant and unjustifiable price of new drugs and medical devices, on the cost of managing the health system (the management costs of complementary services represent 20% of their turnover against 6% for Social Security) “. Finally, “prevention must be developed”, he suggests..
The goal of 200,000 signatures
A vision shared by many French people since the petition has already been signed by more than 160,000 people. All ask the future President of the Republic to guarantee for the next five years the current level of reimbursement of care by Social Security. In full Primary The Belle Alliance Populaire, the text is also addressed to Arnaud Montebourg, Vincent Peillon, Manuel Valls, Yannick Jadot … but also Emmanuel Macron.
For his part, François Fillon has already reacted. Visiting the Marie-Lannelongue Hospital in Plessis-Robinson (Hauts-de-Seine), the deputy for Paris clarified his plan to reform Health Insurance. He no longer intends to distinguish the big and the small risk. “Health insurance will continue to cover care as it is today and even better reimburse care that is largely the responsibility of the insured, such as optical and dental care,” he says.