An American teenager underwent the world’s first penile reduction surgery. The size of his member prevented him from having a normal life.
It’s a gift he would have gone well without. At 17, an American teenager underwent unprecedented surgery, reported in the journal Journal of Sexual Medicine. In question: the size of his penis, a little too generous.
Like an American football
In the pages of the Daily MailUrologist Rafael Carrion of the University of South Florida recounts the unusual consultation he gave that day. “Can you make my penis size smaller?” The teenager asks him. The practitioner remains “speechless”. It must be said that he is used to his patients asking for a few extra centimeters. In addition, the operative technique of penile reduction is an enigma, since it never took place for lack of volunteers.
However, we must take good care of this boy, whose size of the member has become disabling. With a length of 18 centimeters at rest, and a circumference of 25 centimeters, his penis prevents him from having sex, but also certain sports activities. The teenager cannot dress as he wishes, since his pants show off his prominent curves.
“It seems to be every man’s dream,” emphasizes the urologist. But make no mistake about it. The penis in question looks “like an American football,” say the doctors. And the teenager also suffers from priapism, a pathology that generates intense, prolonged and painful erections, and which could be the cause of the swelling of his penis.
An unprecedented operation
For lack of precedent in the matter, surgeons had to invent the phallus reduction technique. In fact, they applied a method used to treat Peyronie’s disease, where scar tissue grows along the penis causing the limb to twist. They made an incision along the scar of the circumcision that the young man had undergone in his childhood. Then, they unrolled the skin of the penis and cut two segments of tissue on each side. Doctors were able to bypass the urethra, and the nerves that provide sensation remained intact. A surgical feat.
After two days of hospitalization, the young man returned home, “delighted” with his new penis, the new size of which has not been communicated. Since the article appeared in the scientific journal, the urologist has received a new person for a similar procedure.