Penile implants can be a solution for impotent men. This allows them to get an erection again.
An erection is produced by signals from the brain and other sensory organs, which stimulate the arteries in the penis to widen. This causes more blood to flow to the three spongy tissue cylinders in the penis, the erectile tissues.
As more blood enters the three cavernous bodies via the arteries, the penis becomes thicker, longer and stiff. The pressure of the blood-saturated tissue on the veins in the penis “traps” the blood in the penis until sexual climax is reached or until the erotic sensation subsides.
By disrupting one or more of the phases of this process, impotence are caused. Impotence is the inability of a man to get an erection. There are various types of penile implants available with which an artificial erection can be achieved. Two commonly used types are the one-piece flexible implant and the multi-piece inflatable implant.
The one-piece, flexible implant is usually plastic, with a flexible wire core. With such an implant, the penis can be bent downwards, so that it is hidden under clothing, or bent upwards, so that an erection is artificially created. The inflatable implant is a bit more complicated. It consists of several parts: a fluid reservoir that is implanted in the lower abdomen, a pump system that is placed in the scrotum (scrotum) is inserted into the testicles, and two inflatable cylinders.
To get an erection, you have to squeeze the scrotal pump several times, so that fluid is pushed to the cylinders in the penis. If the erection is no longer desired, press a relief valve on the side of the pump. The cylinders then empty again. People who have such a implant should talk to their doctor or health care professional about any risks and complications.