Recruitment for the November 13 project is ongoing. But there are still 500 people missing for this unprecedented research program on the traumatic memory of the attacks.
Eight months after the terrorist attacks in Paris, and two months after the start of the program “13-November “, 500 people responded to the call for this unprecedented research project on traumatic memories. Launched by more than 150 researchers from CNRS andInserm from the human and social sciences, and neurosciences, “un first symbolic level has been reached ”, wrote the Institute on Wednesday in a press release. “But it is still insufficient,” she adds.
She recalls that the collection must contain 1000 testimonies, necessary to carry out this ambitious transdisciplinary research led by the historian Denis Peschanski, director of research at the CNRS and the neuropsychologist Francis Eustache, director of the research unit of the Inserm in Caen. People directly affected or affected in a more distant way: all the testimonies interest these scientists.
In this context, the team of mediators participating in the study will remain mobilized and available throughout the summer to answer questions from the public and set appointments between the volunteers and the investigators. And the studios of the National Audiovisual Institute (Ina) in Paris will be open every July, September and October.
The first results published in 2017
These individual testimonies will then be put into perspective with the collective memory thanks to the archives of the INA precisely. Radio or TV newspapers, press articles, social networks, images of the commemorations… All these documents will help to understand the construction and evolution of memory after the attacks of November 13.
To this psychological and sociological evaluation is added a biomedical study entitled “Remember “ in order to better understand the state of post-traumatic stress disorder. This will be carried out with 120 direct victims of the attacks, suffering or not from this syndrome and 60 inhabitants of Caen. Thanks to brain interviews and MRIs, carried out at the same frequency as the filmed interviews, the researchers will try to identify brain markers associated with resilience to trauma.
The study “13-November “ started on May 13 in Caen and June 2 in Bry-sur-Marne. “Remember “ also started last week. The first results should be published in the fall of 2017. As for the final results, they are scheduled for 2028, ie 2 years after the last interviews.
Source: Inserm videos
(1) The call for witnesses is still in progress. Whether you witnessed or intervened during the attacks, whether you are residents or users of the affected neighborhoods, or simply a resident of Paris and its suburbs, you can give your testimony as part of the “November 13” program. For this, you can contact the team of mediators on 06 60 98 53 82 or 06 61 19 10 32, or by email