July 26, 2019
Consuming organic apples would be better for our gut microbiota compared to processed apples.
Millions of bacteria
According to a new scientific study published in the journal Frontiers in Biology, an apple could contain more than 100 million bacteria, from the skin to the stem. These bacteria are not harmful to the body. On the contrary, they would help maintain a balanced and healthy intestinal microbiota.
To find out more, scientists studied the microbiome of organic and processed apples. The results indicate that apples from organic farming contain a more diverse and balanced bacterial community. Organic apples would therefore be preferred for health over treated apples.
Favor organic apples
Organic apples have a more pronounced flavor thanks to this much more varied microbial community. The study shows that organic apples also contain groups of microorganisms that are beneficial for health.
Scientists noted that a group of bacteria including known pathogens “Escherichia-Shigella” was identified in the treated apples. None were detected for organic apples. Conversely, lactobacilli and probiotics, beneficial to health, have been identified in organic apples. In the future, the type of microbiome and the antioxidant content of fruits and vegetables could be displayed on products, as are vitamins and minerals, in order to better inform the consumer.
Stephanie Haerts
Read also : 4 tips to remember to protect your intestinal flora