This is a tasty and healthy recipes to make Orecchiette salad with walnut and cod pesto

Practical information
- Total time: 25 min
- Preparation time: 25 min
- Number of people: 4
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: Economical
- Type of cooking: Slow cooking
- Calories: 435
- Type: Flat
- Category: Pasta
- Nutritional criteria: Rich in omega 3,
Rinse and dry the basil. Cut it into pieces. Mix with the walnut oil, broth, pine nuts and walnuts. Salt and pepper.
Cook the pasta for 10 minutes in salted boiling water. Drain, let cool. Rinse the beet leaves, remove the stems. Peel the tomatoes (immerse them in boiling water for 1 min beforehand), then cut them into quarters. Melt the beet leaves and tomatoes over low heat with the soy sauce.
Heat the rest of the oil in a sauté pan. Cut the fish into sections and brown them for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Salt, sprinkle with Espelette pepper. Serve immediately with pasta mixed with basil sauce and melted vegetables.
Health tips
Nuts and walnut oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids essential for good nervous balance and good health of the cardiovascular system. And their flavor goes well with pike perch (which can be replaced by another white fish, such as whiting or cod).