60 minutes of mindfulness meditation is enough to lower anxiety and lower heart rate, according to a new study.
A new study has just shown that a single session of mindfulness meditation can have cardiovascular and psychological benefits for adults with mild to moderate anxiety. Professor John Durocher will present his works at the 2018 Experimental Biology Congress to be held April 21-25 in San Diego in front of some 14,000 people.
Arterial pressure
14 people participated in the research. After 60 minutes of meditation, all test subjects observed a drop in their heart rate while resting. A week after the meditation session, the group reported lower anxiety levels than before the meditation.
“Even a single hour of meditation seems to reduce anxiety and some of the markers of cardiovascular risk,” says John Durocher, who points out that very few studies have been produced so far on the benefits of just 60 minutes of meditation. . His goal was to understand the effect of meditation on cognition and the cardiovascular system in order to improve the design of therapies and interventions for anxiety.
Three steps
The research was carried out in three stages:
– a first session during which the researchers measured anxiety using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and carried out cardiovascular tests by measuring the variability of heart rate, resting blood pressure and pulse;
– a second session which included 20 minutes of introductory meditation, 30 minutes of body scintigraphy and 10 minutes of self-guided meditation, as well as cardiovascular tests before the mediation, immediately after the meditation and 60 minutes after;
– a post-meditation anxiety test a week later.
Mindfulness meditation has its origins in Buddhism. Mindfulness is training your mind to focus on the present moment. When the individual meditates in full consciousness, whether seated or not, he focuses on his sensations, his breathing, a point in his body, a movement, his emotions, his thoughts, without making any value judgment. *
* Source: futura-sciences.com.
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