THE’aspirin, one of the most widely consumed drugs in the world, relieves pain, fever and inflammation, but at the cost of numerous hemorrhages and thousands of deaths. All NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which also includes ibuprofen, carry significant risks. Professor René-Marc Flipo, rheumatologist, recently recalled that they are the cause of nearly a quarter of accidents linked to drugs and responsible each year in France for more deaths than AIDS! Their digestive risks are classic (nausea and heartburn, which can go as far as an ulcer), but they can also affect the proper functioning of the kidneys (especially in the elderly or in the event of dehydration) and increase the risk of kidney disease. ‘infarction. To be avoided therefore in high doses and over long periods.
Risks of overdose …
It is recommended to prefer the paracetamol in self-medication. Which doesn’t mean it’s harmless! On the one hand, when it is heavily dosed, it becomes toxic to the liver. On the other hand, some people do not adhere to the dosage and end up in the hospital because of an overdose. This is not so rare, because we can also consume, without knowing it, several specialties that contain paracetamol (Actifed®, for example, also contains it). Hence the interest in reading the composition of drugs. Also pay attention to cold remedies. Of the 33 specialties scrutinized by the monthly “60 million consumers”, 14 were found to be potentially dangerous, including antihistamines and especially vasoconstrictors, capable of inducing cardiac, neurological and digestive disorders. Between
2007 and 2011, one patient died and seven suffered serious sequelae after using nasal decongestants.
… and even plants
Finally, plants are not necessarily more harmless. Thus, preparations based on St. John’s Wort, widely used to relieve mild depression, significantly reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill.