It’s infuriating: on Instagram, most photos stamped #yoga show women with perfect silhouettes, frozen in acrobatic postures and breathtaking landscapes. Result: we, with our few extra pounds, are complex…
Fortunately, there is Dolly Singh, alias @YogaforallMumbai: this young woman (today followed by 2000 people on Instagram and by 1000 Internet users on Facebook) shows us that yoga is not only for skinny girls. And that is good!
Despite her generous shapes, the 34-year-old young woman (who lives in Mumbai, India) goes through complicated postures and proves to us that you don’t have to be thin to practice hatha yoga, that’s- i.e. traditional yoga…
“I’m not trying to lose weight”
Dolly Singh started yoga four years ago after an ankle injury, her doctor recommended she lose a few pounds for her health. “I started running but it quickly bored me. So I signed up for a yoga class and I immediately fell in love: today, it’s part of me,” she explains.
“I’m not looking to lose weight: my goal is to strengthen my body, find harmony and go beyond my limits. His hashtags are inspiring: #anybodycanyoga (#toutlemondepeutfaireduyoga), #yourbodyisnotyourlimit (#toncorpsn’estpastalimite), #havingfun (#s’amuse). We say “yes”!
If yoga is perfect for women who want to refine without sweating too much, this discipline is also excellent for health: previous studies have shown that yoga helps relieve osteoarthritis and the symptoms of atrial fibrillation, fight depression, better support the side effects of anti-cancer treatments… In short, you must have a good reason to try.
Read also :
Yoga can cause musculoskeletal pain
4 yoga exercises to boost your libido!
5 yoga positions to improve your endurance