Skid marks – and not just on the road surface

Tyres. Important stuff. Producing thousands of horsepower is not that difficult, but getting the power on the road and developing tires that can safely reach the corresponding speeds is disappointing. Michelin even developed tires with carbon fiber reinforcement for the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport. This Nissan GT-R demonstrates the benefits of good tires and the danger of not having them. The video is a bit older, but suddenly surfaced again last weekend. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth checking out.
According to the title of the video, the Nissan GT-R has been heavily modified. The engine no longer measures 3.8 liters, but 4.3 liters. The power on the wheels is a fine 800 hp thanks to the increased engine capacity and new turbos. The seriously pumped-up GT-R can reach speeds well above 300 km/h and the Dunlop Sport Maxx tires disagree. At a speed of 327 km/h, the front right gives up and with a big blow the piece of rubber smashes the front screen. Fortunately, the driver can bring the car to a controlled stop. A photo of the GT-R after the tire blowout can be seen below the video.
Nissan GT-R blows tire at 327 km/h
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