A Netflix documentary has been announced and it has to do with Bitcoin. At least, with a criminal twist.
In the documentary, the American streaming service does not explain what Bitcoin is or what you can do with it. No, this documentary focuses on the story of a couple of amateur detectives and their search for answers. At first ordinary cryptocurrency investors, but later they became researchers.
This group was investigating when the mysterious death of QuadrigaCX (a crypto trading firm) founder Gerald Cotten came to light. With Cotten’s death, $250 million also disappeared. The detectives wanted to find out how the fork in his death and it disappeared money. It has always been said that the entrepreneur had died as a result of illness complications.
Netflix’s true crime documentary is called Trust No One: The Hunt For The Crypto King. Cotten’s death had all kinds of question marks. For example, according to his widow, only he would have known what the key is to an offline wallet with his many millions of dollars in crypto. However, the 30-year-old had made a will a month before his death, leaving all his money to his widow. That is interesting to say the least.
The Bitcoin documentary will be released on Netflix in 2022.