Dealers roam the park and the grounds of the Saint-Jacques hospital in Nantes. A situation that has lasted for years, and that management recognizes.
The Nantes University Hospital is not a drug hub in the city of the Dukes of Brittany, but the trafficking that has taken place there is worrying hospital staff. So much so that an extraordinary Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT) met on Wednesday.
“They manage to get everything they want”, despair in West France nurses from Saint-Jacques hospital. The Nantes establishment, which offers nearly 1,000 beds, brings together geriatric services, but above all functional rehabilitation and psychiatry units.
Drug trafficking lasts
“They have hiding places in the park,” says a nurse. It’s recurring. Everyone is doing their little traffic. We have been talking about it for decades ”. And if the CHSCT met, it is because of a double arrest which would have been carried out in recent days.
“We have already alerted our management on multiple occasions,” explains Dominique Delahaye, trade unionist at the CFDT. You have to make the site as secure as possible. The police also need to patrol the hospital grounds. “
The police retort that they are already monitoring the park, but that they cannot take the place of those in charge of the establishment, who are fully aware of the problem. An agreement would be being drafted between the hospital, the justice system and the CHU, according to information fromWest France.
Management and schizophrenic patients
“I think that the management prefers to close their eyes, because it is one of the only means of relieving the pain of the patients”, explains for his part a former patient of the functional rehabilitation service, questioned by 20 minutes.
Neither is drug trafficking limited to a few drug dealers selling their products to hospital patients. The latter would also be inclined to resell their drugs. The hospital accommodating a psychiatric service, patients suffering from schizophrenia or other pathologies and drug addicts receive neuroleptics and substitutes such as Subutex, which they hasten to resell for 30 or 40 euros per pill, explains a nurse. of the establishment.
To put an end to the presence of drug dealers within the confines of the establishment, the CFDT demands that access to the hospital be secured, so that it is no longer possible to enter the hospital as in a mill.