He comes out of high school at noon to buy himself a Big Mac, picks up a Snickers from the vending machine when he’s hungry and a soda when he’s thirsty … Our parent blood does not turn around. However, we must be reassured. “They all do that,” observes child psychiatrist Ada Picard. Adolescents need to get together in groups, to experience new things, to experience pleasure… ”. Hence the choice of fast food rather than the canteen paid for by parents. Don’t panic, but there’s no question of closing your eyes either: one in three teenagers is overweightin Europe ! “The food balance is done during the week, explains the dietician Sarah José. The day he eats lunch at McDonald’s, we must ensure that he eats healthier and more balanced in the evening and the next day ”.
We accompany them gently
“Adolescents need frameworks and benchmarks,” says Ada Picard. So we explain things to them, but in a positive way: for example, having breakfast in the morning is important to be focused and in good shape all morning, fruits and vegetables provide vitamins that give a healthy glow … should not be in the fight, because this can awaken the defenses and strengthen the opposition, ”continues the specialist. We can offer them to plan the menus with them, to cook together …
We give the example
At home, there is no question of eating anything at all hours, otherwise the message will not get through! So, even if it’s always a bit of a race in the morning, we take the time (by getting up 10 minutes earlier if necessary) to prepare a breakfast complete with tea or coffee, toast and jam, fruit and yoghurt for example. “A good breakfast avoids nibbles and excess at lunch, ”notes Sarah José. Likewise, in the evening, we take advantage of dinner to eat with the family, without an intrusive screen (TV, tablet, etc.). “Education is important: those who have had good eating habits very early on are then less tempted by” junk food “and eat more balanced”, observes the dietician.
We combine health and pleasure
“Do you see a teenager taking out his apple in front of his friends?” Jokes Sarah José. No not really … But between a burger-fries and a salad-yogurt, there are many possibilities! “We tell them that they can have fast food at noon, but not more than once a week. One sandwich-baguette is a good alternative to kebab. That they can treat themselves to a sweetness, like cookies, but not for dessert and afternoon tea. At home, we provide healthy products to calm their small appetites: a fruit basket, nuts, almonds… ”. And in the evening, we put vegetables on the menu: in gratins, pan-fried, mashed potatoes with homemade breadcrumbs, or mixed with pasta or rice, they are well accepted. Lack of time ? We focus on plain frozen vegetables, cherry tomatoes and sachet salads, which hardly require preparation.
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Sugar, salt and fat: why are we addicted?
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5 vegetable croque-monsieur