To protect your cardiovascular health, we know that you have to make sure you don’t collapse under stress and do sports. But did you know that diet can also play a key role? At least that’s what cardiologist Elizabeth Klodas advocates, in an interview with to Eatthis magazine.
She recalls that cardiovascular health depends on 7 factors: cholesterol, the amount of sugar in the blood, weight, blood pressure, diet, tobacco and even physical activity. And many of these factors are interdependent with what we eat on a daily basis! She therefore advises 4 families of foods beneficial for cardiovascular healthwhich she herself consumes regularly.
Antioxidants, fiber, omega 3…
THE omega 3 fatty acid rich are the first category of products she recommends. As a reminder, according to ANSESthey come from terrestrial plants such as nuts, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, flax oil… But they are also found in marine animals such as tuna, salmon, mackerel which are fatty fish.
THE antioxidants : To reduce chronic inflammation, she eats lots of berries, such as blueberries, oranges, dark chocolate, green tea and tomatoes.
Fibers! They are rather associated with intestinal health, since they promote transit. But by being allies of the microbiome, they are also useful against bad cholesterol, underlines the cardiologist. Cabbage, dried figs, artichoke hearts, bulgur, oatmeal… You should consume 30 to 45g per day, recalls Vidal.
Of the plant sterols or phytosterols : leafy green vegetables, whole grains, fruits, cheeses enriched with phytosterols, milk, nuts are allies in fighting against the absorption of cholesterol by the digestive system, she observes.
Sources: Eatthis, Anses, Vidal