According to a study by the Rutgers School of Medicine in New Jersey (United States), the incidence of stroke (Stroke) has clearly decreased among “baby boomers” born between 1945 and 1954. While they are increasing among “generation X”, that of people born between 1965 and 1974. According to doctors, obesity and diabetes, frequent in this generation, would be at the origin of this increase in cardiovascular illnesses.
For this study, published in the Journal of american heart association, the researchers analyzed more than 225,000 stroke data records recorded between 1995 and 2014. The analyzes found that people born before 1945 and those born after 1954 had the highest risk of stroke. Only the group of those who are now between 60 and 70 saw a reduction in stroke incidence over the years of the study.
To read also: An egg a day keeps away the risk of stroke
“A higher incidence of stroke in people born before 1945 is not surprising, as this generation did not benefit from the cholesterol medications Where anti-hypertensives“, said Dr Kostis, lead author of the study at Sciencedaily. “However, the increasing incidence of stroke in the 40-year-old is alarming”.
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Stroke: quitting smoking reduces your risk
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