The 08/07/2016
Whether it is the laptop, WiFi or the microwave, a good number of objects lead us to live permanently with electromagnetic waves. According to WHO estimates, the number of people with hyper electro-sensitivity in France is 70,427. Maxence Layet gives us tips to mitigate their effects.
Graduate your exposure
The science journalist recently published a book ” Mitigate the effects of waves on a daily basis “. In this book, he offers us tips and tricks to better cope with the risks of exposure to electromagnetic waves. According to the WHO, 2% of the population is sensitive to these waves and the symptoms correspond to headaches, unexplained fatigue, visual and hearing disturbances, skin problems, heart rhythm disturbances or short-term memory.
According to Maxence Layet “ it is the fact of being an actor and of being active in relation to this risk, of managing the risk and of learning to manage it by ourselves “. A test is offered in this book, which allows you to ” review your apartment, your interior and identify, qualify, graduate what is your level of exposure “. You will quickly realize that your exposure matters. So give preference to the corded telephone at home and connect your devices to a grounded outlet. This will reduce the amount of magnetic field by 10.
Daily actions
Also ask yourself the question about using your mobile phone, bluetooth or WiFi. Using headphones while on the phone is a good reflex and decreases your exposure. According to the journalist, the increase in the number of electro-hypersensitive people is due to a ” cumulative radiation sources “.
Your diet and the material of your clothing also play a role in your exposure. Maxence Layet advises to consume water low in minerals and anti-oxidants. Prefer natural materials for your clothes, because synthetic materials more easily retain static electricity. According to numerous customer testimonials, certain plants also reduce our exposure by absorbing the waves.
To get rid of all these bad waves, get in touch with nature: take a walk in the forest, wash your hands and body regularly. Avoid at all costs buying a house within 100 meters of a high voltage line, that would be you “ put in danger “, According to the journalist.
To read also: Wifi, cellphones, antennas … Should we be wary?