To prevent the symptoms of menopause reappear (vaginal dryness, hot flashes, joint pain…), doctors advise women who wish to stop their processing to do it gradually, lowering the doses little by little over a period of a few months. As for the protective effect against cardiovascular illnesses and theosteoporosis, it disappears, but the remineralization of the bone favored during the taking of the THMs, remains acquired. The woman will therefore not escape the decrease in her bone density, but she will leave with a higher capital.
Can we resume it after a break?
The woman always has the opportunity to stop her treatment, as well as to resume it. It remains to be seen whether these interruptions in treatment are of interest. “It’s rare, observes Dr Anne de Kervasdoué, except sometimes for some who have to undergo surgery, so as to avoid the risk of phlebitis orpulmonary embolism linked to immobilization”. If it is two or three weeks a year, this will have little impact, even if it is preferable to start the THM as soon as possible and if, when one chooses to stop it, to do it gradually by gradually reducing the doses ofhormone. On the other hand, it is not recommended to make too long interruptions over several years.
Read also :
Menopause: gently stop your hormonal treatment
Hormonal treatments for menopause: HAS recommendations
Does hormone therapy for menopause bring back periods?