Menopause: less sweets and more vegetables
– Avoid sweets (chocolate, jam, caramel…) on a daily basis and alcohol outside of special occasions.
– Rather than meat, opt for fish.
– Raw or cooked, vegetables are good for you. You can cook them with garlic, onions and aromatic herbs.
– Reduce your consumption of dairy products, especially those made from cow’s milk.
Menopause: the right gestures at the table
– A meal is better seated. Eating is an activity in its own right, which deserves our full dedication. Well installed, we assimilate food better and suddenly, we limit the portions.
– Limit your portions. We often have eyes bigger than our stomachs. A tip: use smaller plates, they will appear well stocked, but will be less filling.
– Once is enough! Avoid refilling. Your plate finished, wait a moment before asking for a second serving. If you are still hungry after 5-10 minutes, recharge moderately. But if it’s gluttony, don’t give in.
– Savor every bite and take breaks between courses. You have to eat slowly and chew well to give your brain time to send out the signal for satiety. Thus, you will avoid bloating and your digestion will be facilitated.
– No to nibbling ! We eat at mealtime. If you’re hungry around 5 p.m., fall back on an apple.
– You are hungry… What if it was thirst? Many people do not know the difference between feelings of hunger and thirst… And what they take for a craving is often only thirst. If, 10 minutes after a full glass of water your stomach is still squealing, you are really hungry!
Menopause: one, two, three… Get moving!
Exercise is good for you during the menopause : it fights the loss of muscle mass. So move around as much as you can, but choose a gentle activity: walk an hour a day, go to the pool, ride a bike …
On a daily basis, prefer to take the stairs rather than the elevator, get off one metro stop earlier and end the journey on foot etc …
Menopause: your homeo slimming prescription
For stay slim despite menopause, why not give it a try homeopathy ? Its tailor-made treatments take into account your character and your metabolism. Do not hesitate to consult a homeopathic doctor: he will be able to find the treatment adapted to your profile.
– Do you have a big appetite? Take 4 granules of Anacardium 7CH half an hour before meals.
– Are you cheerful, friendly and greedy? Take 4 granules of Sulfur 5CH every day.
– You have cellulite and oily skin? Take 4 granules of Thuja 5CH every morning.
– Do you have water retention? Take 4 granules of Natrum sulfuricum 5CH morning and evening.