Set up by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM), the High Authority for Health (HAS) and the National Union of Health Insurance Funds (UNCAM), this database of medicines will allow the general public and healthcare professionals to access data and reference documents on drugs marketed or having been sold during the last two years in France.
“These administrative and scientific data on treatments as well as on the proper use of health products” is, according to the official decree), “intended to serve as a reference for the information of health professionals, users and administrations competent in health products “.
Comprehensive drug data
This database will notably provide data on the composition “qualitative and quantitative in terms of active substances, the various market presentations, the prescription and dispensing conditions, the therapeutic indications as well as health safety information“.
Internet users will also be able to discover the selling price to the public as well as the reimbursement rate of the various specialties and for certain drugs the date of suspension of its sale, withdrawal or cessation of its marketing.
The drug base was produced in application of article 8 of the law of 29 December 2011 on the strengthening of the safety of medicines and health products.
” It will be available from October 1 on the site“, Indicates the Ministry of Health on its site.