Medical cannabis may be effective in treating certain psychological disorders, such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social anxiety, according to the results of a study. study published in the medical journal Clinical Psychology Review. It could also be used in the alcohol withdrawal and for that of stronger toxic products.
Researchers at the University of British Columbia (Canada) performed a meta-analysis of studies examining the medical use of cannabis and mental health. Their results show that cannabis can help reduce symptoms of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety. But the researchers point out that therapeutic cannabis could not be used in patients with bipolar disorder or psychotic disorders.
Cannabis declared effective for mental health disorders
While researchers say there is a lack of theoretical studies to confirm the benefits on Mental Health of cannabis, they observed a certain efficacy declared by the patients.
In detail, they noted from this sixty study that memory disorders caused by cannabis are reversible in adults and that they do not cause a risk of harm to oneself or to others. Cannabis would also be a good first indication for mental health disorders and it would show promise for the treatment of PTSD and disorders related to the use of toxic substances such asalcohol or hard drugs.
Further studies are needed to test these conclusions “Limited but valid evidence,” the authors explain. It is important for healthcare professionals to move beyond the stigma to better understand the risks and benefits of medical cannabis.
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