Gracelia lives a daily hell and has to fight every day against 400 epileptic seizures. As part of her therapy and to soothe her pain, the Mexican Ministry of Health authorized the parents of Graciela, an 8-year-old girl, to use cannabidiol (CBD), a major component of the plant of cannabis, representing up to 40% of its extracts to treat their epileptic child. This part of the plant does not cause the “high” effects of THC appreciated by smokers. The ministry also said it would “facilitate the process of importing” the drug from the United States, where medical marijuana is permitted in more than 20 countries. States. Because in Mexico, this substance is totally prohibited.
“We hope that this medicine will suppress her seizures and that she will be able to walk, talk and eat on her own,” said Raul Elizalde, Graciela’s dad, after a meeting with the management of the Mexican health agency. “It’s our last hope,” he said, quoted by Le
But, the family of did not arrive at the end of its sentence. Indeed, the Mexican government, faced with violent and murderous drug trafficking, appealed the judge’s decision.
Therapeutic cannabis in France
Already authorized in several countries, therapeutic cannabis can now be used in the composition of medicines in France. Indeed, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) has given marketing authorization (AMM) for medicines containing “cannabis and its derivatives”. A therapeutic use of this plant “for certain well-defined patients and according to very supervised methods. Neither self-cultivation nor artisanal products are authorized,” the decree clearly states.
Read also:
Therapeutic cannabis would not be effective
Less overdose of painkillers with therapeutic cannabis
Cannabis spray is coming soon to pharmacies