Marisol Touraine continues his offensive against François Fillon and his health program. The Minister of Health considers her social security reform project “dangerous”.
Marisol Touraine’s offensive against François Fillon’s health program continues. Invited this Wednesday on France 2, the Minister of Health considered that her project is “a break in the French consensus for Social Security (…). It is a dangerous program of turning back the clock which will weaken the middle classes, the elderly and families, ”she added.
As a reminder, the winner of the primary of the right and the center plans to redefine the baskets of care. The first for the big risks, such as the Affections of Long Duration (ALD) and the chronic diseases, would be supported by the Health insurance. The second would concern small risks such as colds or minor illnesses. This basket of individual care would fall into the purse of complementary.
3,200 euros more per year
This new segmentation would, according to its detractors, go against easy access to primary care. For Marisol Touraine, “it is a program which consists in saying: you are poor, you are fully reimbursed, you are not poor, you will have to pay significantly more”, she said.
During the debate between the two rounds, the Minister of Health had even affirmed that with this proposal “each household will pay on average 3,200 euros more per year for treatment”. She also denounced a “privatization” of Social Security.
Marisol Touraine defends her record
François Fillon replied by accusing the tenant of Avenue Duquesne of coming to terms with the public accounts. Marisol Touraine replied that “Social Security is fine”. “The accounts are under control and support has been extended. Overall, we are in balance but there are still savings to be made, ”she concluded.
In the Social Security budget for 2017, the government is counting on a deficit in the general system (illness, pensions, family, work accidents) reduced to 400 million euros against 3.4 billion in 2016.