The belly that all men dread is not only unsightly, but also very toxic to the heart.
This news is surprising: the belly that also responds to the sweet name of love handles would not love the heart even in people of normal weight. And these subjects would be more at risk of cardiovascular problem than an obese. In short, the belly alone would increase the risk of heart disease.
And the increase in risk is significant?
Researchers from the famous Mayo Clinic in the United States, who published these results at the last European Congress of Cardiology, show that cardiovascular deaths were almost 3 times more numerous in paunchy men or women than in those who were not overweight. Whereas the excess mortality of obese people was “only” two and a half times higher.
But how to explain this phenomenon since the obese have a total quantity of fat much more important than those who have only a simple small belly on the stomach?
The heart has reasons that reason ignores! And specialists point the finger at this abdominal fat which for them is much more dangerous than that of the rest of the body! Look at sumos, they say: they don’t have more cardiovascular disease than other Japanese people! Indeed, the fat of the abdomen is very particular, different from that found in obese people on the legs or arms. It behaves like a real organ which secretes harmful substances, in particular inflammatory substances, toxic for the vessels. Substances that also promote the onset of diabetes.
So what can we do about it ?: adopt the essential diet and physical exercise?
This is indeed the winning duo: changing your eating habits, eating less fat and less sugar and above all doing regular physical activity … as soon as you see a small tummy forming on your stomach. And this advice is just as valid for women!
Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC-2012 / Munich). Prof. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester (Minnesota, USA)