The companion of the thirty-something infected with the Zika virus in Lot-et-Garonne is a carrier of the virus. According to the authorities, this is a sexual transmission.
The wife of the patient infected with the Zika virus in Lot-et-Garonne is also contaminated, confirmed on Tuesday the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Aquitaine Limousin Poitou-Charentes. The young pregnant woman would have been infected after returning from Martinique 15 days ago. “This is a secondary case very probably linked to sexual transmission”, specifies the health authority.
From now on, the expectant mother will benefit from close follow-up by ultrasound to detect early on a possible microcephaly, a congenital malformation caused by Zika.
The ARS also indicated that a new mosquito control operation took place this Wednesday morning at their home. A first intervention already took place last week in a radius of 200 m around their home after the mosquito Aedes albopictus, the famous tiger mosquito, has been identified.
Postponement of the recommended trip
In addition to destroying the insect vector, the ARS recalls that the fight against Zika involves preventing the proliferation of mosquitoes. For this, the inhabitants of the areas where they are located – 30 metropolitan departments are concerned (see map below) – are invited to ban potential sources of breeding grounds such as flower pots, used tires or even roof gutters. poorly maintained.
Source: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
The authorities also ask travelers to protect themselves against mosquito bites during their stay as well as on their return, for people who reside in an area where the tiger mosquito vector is implanted. The agency adds that “pregnant women planning to travel to areas affected by Zika are recommended to consider postponing their trip. For those who go there, it is recommended to consult their attending physician or gynecologist prior to their trip. “
Rio Olympics: Zika epidemic does not worry WHO
The World Health Organization (WHO) considers that the risk of spreading the Zika virus during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro is “very low”. Therefore, there is no reason to cancel or postpone the competition, according to the agency.
The experts of the UN agency gathered this Tuesday during a 3th meeting of the Emergency Committee, believe that the risk of transmission of the virus will be low because the competition takes place during winter, a period when mosquito activity is low. A risk that should not be increased by the large population movement that should take place, they stress.