The belly is often our number one complex. Too chubby, too soft, not muscular enough… and after these long months of confinement-déconfinement-reconfinement without much physical exercise and with a little more snacking, we find him even more unattractive. What is reassuring is that we are not alone in this galley: according to a survey, the French would have gained 2.5 kg on average during the first confinement.
The bad news is thatit is generally more difficult to lose weight stomachthan thighs or buttocks. In addition, in some families, taking stomach is a little “inherited. But even if it is more difficult to fight against genetics, by adopting good gestures, we can tone this part of our anatomy.
The good news is that those newly gained pounds aren’t set in yet. It is therefore easier to lose them and regain a flat stomach. To do this, we adopt foods that will not cause swelling and we follow the advice of the sports and nutrition coach. Lucile Woodward.
5 enemies of flat bellies
- The stress : it has a direct link with taking stomach, because it pushes you to eat more and faster. In addition, cortisol (stress hormone) promotes the storage of abdominal fat.
- Fizzy drinks : the carbonated water distends the stomach and is mostly salty. As for sodas, they are high in sugar.
- Salt : we know that it causes water retention, unless it lodges willingly in the abdomen.
- The constipation : a diet too low in fiber and therefore, as a rule, in fruits and vegetables – promotes hard and swollen bellies.
- The lack of sports : without toned abs, the stomach, not maintained, tends to “go forward”. So we do not forget to do cladding exercises.
Read also :
- How to calculate your BMI
- What is your ideal weight
- Flat stomach: what to do to eat without swelling
- 15 steps to adopt to stop being bloated