June 16, 2003 – A substance derived from licorice, glycyrrhizin, has shown intriguing anti-SARS properties in laboratory tests.
German researchers compared the effect of glycyrrhizin on the coronavirus, the virus responsible for the disease, with that of four other substances, including ribavirin, a classic drug sometimes used to fight severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Glycyrrhizin has been shown to be up to five times more effective in stopping the reproduction of the virus, in addition to limiting the penetration of cells.
The side effects of glycyrrhizin are well known and relatively easy to control. They include an increase in blood pressure, but since the treatment would only be required for a short time, the researchers believe it should not interfere with the use of the substance.
Glycyrrhizin has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various infections, especially those of the respiratory system. More recently, it has been used experimentally to fight against hepatitis B and C, as well as against AIDS.
Meanwhile, in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has ordered 48 websites to shut down. They were promoting the supposed anti-SARS properties of a variety of substances, from vitamin C to oil of oregano.
The results of the study are published in The Lancet journal.
Jean-Benoit Legault – PasseportSanté.net
According to Reuters, AFP and Associated Press; May 9 and June 16, 2003.