1,262 cases in 2013, 1,350 cases in 2014: the number of people affected by legionellosis in France has increased slightly, according to the results of the National Institute for Public Health Surveillance (INVS). Of this number, 122 resulted in the death of the affected person. The incidence rate of notified cases in France is higher than the European rate (1.1 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2013) but close to that of neighboring countries (Italy and Spain).
Note that the west of the country has fewer cases, with an incidence of 0.8 / 100,000 inhabitants in Brittany, than the east of France with an incidence of 4.6 / 100,000 inhabitants in Franche-Comté.
Legionella is a serious respiratory infection caused by inhaling a tiny bacteria called “legionella”. This bacteria sits and grows mainly in water, ventilation and air conditioning ducts. It can therefore contaminate anyone in contact with contaminated water or air.
For the cases recorded in 2014, the most frequently reported mode of exposure was travel with a stay in a tourist establishment for 161 cases (12% of all cases). In 5% of cases (72), exposure in a hospital is the cause, against 7% in 2013.
Read also :
Nosocomial infection: how it is caught
Germs and us