Originally from Asia, the kombucha is a drink prepared with sweet tea and fermented by a fungus called kombucha, which gave the product its name. In fact, this mushroom is the result of the symbiosis of bacteria and yeasts. The result : a sparkling, amber-yellow, low-alcohol drink (2%), the flavor of which is reminiscent of cider, but more tangy.
What are the advantages of kombucha?
“Yeasts and bacteria produce enzymes, organic acids and lactobacilli which will strengthen our intestinal microbiota. Kombucha thus has a beneficial effect on transit, digestion, the immune system, but also morale! It is also indicated in case of skin concerns (acne, eczema, etc.) “ , indicates naturopath Noëlie Cotteaux.
“A glass can stall a little hollow or give a boost in the event of a drop in energy”, specifies for her part Laurence Salomon, chef and naturopath.
- To note : in the drink, tea provides some antioxidants. It is a very slightly sweet drink, because the sugar has been digested by the microorganisms. On the other hand, the added super foods (pomegranate, turmeric, ginger, hibiscus…) are often too small to have a real beneficial impact.
How much can we drink?
Do not drink liters of it, because it is an active product. A glass during a large meal is interesting to facilitate digestion.
Noëlie Cotteaux recommends to drink as a cure (when taking antibiotics, in case of skin problems, fatigue, etc.), at a rate of 1 to 2 glasses per day, for 3 to 4 weeks. Be careful, as it is a little acidic, it is not necessarily suitable for people with sensitive intestines or who suffer from reflux. It is therefore better to start by consuming small amounts and gradually increase.
In any case, we do not insist if it does not suit us. “As a precautionary principle, I do not recommend this drink, which is rich in bacteria and yeasts for pregnant women and immunocompromised people” , adds the expert.
>> What is the difference between kefir and kombucha? Kombucha is made with tea, while kefir is made with milk (sometimes fruit juice) fermented by microorganisms, which come in the form of small white nuggets.
How to make homemade kombucha?
- Prepare a tea with 1.5 liters of water and 8 g of tea.
- Add 90 g of sugar. Let cool, then pour into a glass jar.
- Place the mother of kombucha (smooth part above) and add 15 cl of starter (a previous kombucha recovered at the same time as the mother).
- Cover with a cloth secured with an elastic. Leave to ferment in a dark place in a warm place (22-26 ° C) for one to two weeks.
- Taste regularly with a straw to achieve the desired flavor (if you wait too long, it may taste like vinegar).
- Remove the mother and take a little starter for the next one.
- Pour into a closed bottle for 2 or 3 days for a second fermentation. Then place in the refrigerator and remember to open the bottle every day to “degas”.
Warning : make sure you have the clean hands to manipulate the fungus. And copen the preparation well with a cloth to avoid dust, mold and midges which could cause infections.
Our experts:
- Noëlie Cotteaux, naturopath and author of Teas, herbal teas and health drinks, (ed. Eyrolles)
- Laurence Salomon chef and naturopath of the educational center Original kitchen
Read also :
- Kefir: how to make it at home?
- 12 ways to relieve irritable bowels
- 8 foods that take care of our gut