Jacques Chirac will be able to spend Christmas with his family and at home. His entourage and all those who worried about the state of health of the former president, can be reassured. The former head of state had been hospitalized since December 9 to take exams related to a weakened state. He will be able to leave the hospital establishment since the medical examinations did not reveal anything worrying. Moreover, his daughter Claude, had made a point of specifying when announcing his hospitalization, that there was no need to worry about the health of the former president since it was a simple general check up.
Instead of spending the Christmas holidays in Morocco, as he usually does at the end of the year, Jacques Chirac will however stay in Paris to rest. But Jacques Chirac is fine, reassures his daughter, thus silencing suspicions about the president’s state of health.
Rumors surrounding the health of the former president
In recent years, his rare appearances have indeed shown a weakened Chirac with difficulty in moving. Images that fueled speculation about a possible disease.
Victim of a stroke in 2005, the former president has since suffered from memory problems which could have led to believe that he was suffering from the disease Alzheimer’s. It was then suggested that the former president was suffering fromanosognosia, a symptom associated with various brain diseases and denoting the inability to be aware of an illness. But this hypothesis has never made it possible to confirm any pathology.
In 2014, another episode had talked about the health of the former leader. He had been hospitalized for a gout attack, an inflammatory condition characterized by excess uric acid (waste products produced by the body) in the blood.
>> To read also:What is gout?
Alzheimer’s disease: the second fear after cancer