People with regular sexual activity earn more money than those who do not have sex, according to a British study. The most active would be paid 5% more.
A busy sex life seems to go hand in hand with a good professional income! This is the surprising discovery of British researchers from theAnglia Ruskin University (Cambridge) reported a few days ago by the Huffington Post Quebec.
To reach this conclusion, Dr Nick Drydakis and his colleagues analyzed nearly 8.000 files of subjects aged 26 to 50 years. They established a cause and effect relationship between the number of weekly sexual relations and the average salary of these subjects. According to these scientists, people who have at least four sexual relations a week earn, on average, 5% more than others. In addition, the team also estimated that people who do not have sex would have an average income 3% lower than those with full sex lives.
But on the side of the explanations, the authors are divided: either people who have a fulfilling sex life achieve success more easily, or people who are successful are more successful in having sex. For his part, Dr. Drydakis seems to have made his choice, “People need to love and to be loved. The absence of these elements can lead to experience anxiety or depression, which can affect their professional life, ”he concludes.