Certainly breast cancer is always the first cancer in women. But the specialists, meeting in Texas like every year at the beginning of December, affirm that the research is more and more efficient, with more and more remissions: the 5-year survival rate is 90%, if the cancer has been detected. at an early stage. From our special correspondent
The net survival (that is, that which would be observed if the only cause of death of people with cancer were cancer) for women diagnosed between 1989 and 2010 is 85% at 5 years, 76% in 10 years. Figures that have continued to improve since. We mainly talk about remission, that is to say that there is no trace of cancer after treatment. But we know that this cancer often recurs and is treated again as well. Doctors do not say the word cure until after 15 years without relapse, but we know the caution of the medical world.
In San Antonio, the most important positive information concerns the best use of the weapons available to oncologists. Medicines are used much better than they were a few years ago, with a discernment that no longer consists of hitting as hard as possible. Doctors are helped in this by techniques for analyzing tumor cells to choose the right drug and, above all, to predict its effectiveness.
Another strong comeback, that of tablet drugs with two advantages: an individual for patients who can treat their disease at home with fewer side effects; a collective interest with the possibility of being treated on an “outpatient basis”, that is to say at home, with all the savings that this implies for the community. However, the side effects (mainly hair loss and fatigue) remain the toll of many chemotherapies. This is why we eagerly awaited the new immunological treatments which work “miracles”, the word is not too strong, in certain cancers such as melanoma or that of the bladder. Alas, the studies revealed in San Antonio are less exciting than we hoped. But the best specialists in the matter qualified the disappointment by asserting that the association with other treatments would very quickly mark a new stage..
“Angelina Jolie” effect
Among surgeons, the “Angelina Jolie” effect, that is to say the preventive removal of both breasts in women at risk, continued to be strong. With so many requests coming, not from the doctors, but from the women themselves. It must be said that 5 to 15% have a genetic mark and that 2 out of 100 are carriers of a mutation in their genes called “BRCA1 or BRCA2” which are “markers” of cancer risk. Those who are carriers of this mark have more than 85% risk of developing cancer for some. This screening test being easy to perform, a simple blood test, it is understandable that some women, tired of undergoing mammograms every year, prefer to “get rid” of the problem before it occurs. Especially since the surgeons proceed to a complete reconstruction of both breasts, in the wake of the ablation. On the other hand, women who have had one or two breasts removed to treat their cancer are still unaware of the possibilities of reconstruction. 70% have not had one and 60% feel they are ill-informed or even uninformed.
Have a child
The desire for pregnancy has long been a secondary concern for oncologists. For two reasons. The first, the most frequently used treatments are hormones that cause a kind of chemical menopause, preventing any attempt at pregnancy. The other reason, less obvious, is that the fight against cancer must be the priority and anything that could distract from this goal should be avoided; therefore pregnancy.
Many research teams don’t hear it like that, and a very nice study, revealed in San Antonio, showed that with well-conducted treatment protocols, the chances of pregnancy (usually quite low) were doubled.
“Other medicines”
Timid emergence of new medicines to relieve drug side effects with a study on the benefits of acupuncture for joint pain. The relief is real and objective. But little new about meditation techniques and especially hypnosis which, however, each year demonstrates a little more its complementary effects in medical practice and in other pathologies. It remains little tested, despite the wishes of many therapists.
Reasoned optimism
With 50,000 new cases per year, breast cancer remains the most common, and it is known that one in eight women will experience it during her lifetime. But with very positive nuances in women over 50, we are indeed witnessing a drop in the number of cancers in this age group since 2005… Which is precisely the date on which the prescription was stopped. systematic hormonal treatment at menopause!
On the other hand, worrying increase for those under 50 … And there, unfortunately, not yet explained.