What is going on in Japan? According to a study published this Monday, April 8, 2019 by the University of Tokyo (in Japan, therefore), approximately 1 in 10 Japanese people of 30 years old have never had sex with a partner of the opposite sex.
The subject has something to smile about, yet it is very serious: in the archipelago, the birth rate (that is to say the number of children per woman) is in free fall and has not reached today. hui that 1.44, against 1.96 in France.
The study bases its findings on statistical data collected by the Japanese Ministry of Health between 1987 and 2015, as part of a National Fertility Survey in Japan. We learn that in 2015, 11.9% of women aged 30 to 34 and 12.7% of men of the same age declared that they had “no experience of sexual relations with a person of the opposite sex”.
In Japan, it would be “difficult” to find a partner
In the 35 to 39 age group, these percentages are 8.9% and 9.5% respectively. By comparison, in the United States, only 0.9% of women and 1.4% of men aged 35 to 39 admit never having had a heterosexual relationship.
No information, however, on homosexual relations – it will be recalled that in Japan, marriage between people of the same sex remains illegal. However, the authors estimate that, even assuming that 5% of respondents have only same-sex relationships, “one could still say that about one in 20 men and one in 20 women aged 30 to 39 (… ) have never had sex ”.
For researchers (whose work has been published in the scientific journal BMC Public Health), these astonishing figures can be explained by “difficulties in finding a partner”. They underline in particular a correlation between frequency of sexual relations and … professional and financial situation of the man.
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