Are you complexed by hair on certain areas of your body? “Start by reassuring yourself, you are not the only one in this situation.“, immediately informs Dr. Nina Roos, dermatologist in Paris. These hairs which can prove to be more or less embarrassing are moreover a frequent reason for consultation, both in older and younger women. So feel free to talk to your dermatologist or your gynecologist who will know how to find a suitable treatment.
“These unsightly hairs are generally found on or under the chin, at the level of the neck or the areolas of the breasts, under the navel, sometimes in the lumbar areas or at the level of the buttocks.“, details the dermatologist. The important thing is not the quantity of hair, but the complexes they generate.
Hyperpilosity and hyperandrogenism
During the consultation, the doctor will be able to estimate whether this hyperpilosity is associated with other signs of hyperandrogenism such as acne, hair loss or irregular periods and will prescribe, if necessary, a hormonal assessment.
He may, depending on the situation, recommend hormone treatment, a cream that slows hair growth or suggest laser or electric hair removal. Laser hair removal is not recommended for hair that is too light, too fine, red or if there is down in the adjacent areas.
Thanks to our speaker, Dr Nina Roos, dermatologist in Paris and author of Healthy skin at Editions Solar.