Individuals suffering from hydrocephalus can now download the HydroApp application.
- Hydrocephalus is a neurological pathology that affects around 830 new people in France each year.
- The Tête en l’air Association has just launched a new application called “HydroApp” for people suffering from hydrocephalus.
- “HydroApp represents a crucial advance for us, neurosurgeons and emergency physicians, by providing us with the tools necessary to effectively manage valve dysfunctions. Its ease of use and accessibility make it a valuable ally, allowing patients to benefit from a personalized monitoring and optimized care”, explains Doctor Edouard Gimbert.
The Tête en l’air Association just launched a new app called “HydroApp” for people suffering from hydrocephalus.
Hydrocephalus: why a new application?
Hydrocephalus is a neurological pathology that affects around 830 new people in France each year. It results from an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid which results in compressing the brain and spinal cord.
Rapid neurosurgical intervention is the standard treatment. The objective of this procedure is to normalize intracranial pressure, either by a ventriculocisternostomy (orifice in the head to evacuate excess fluid), or by the installation of a diversion valve, the aim being to create circulation so that the flow of cerebrospinal fluid is optimal.
“Hydrocephalus requires lifelong medical monitoring, which is why patients must pay particular attention to their state of health and manage their daily lives well or risk serious complications,” explain the authors of the project in a press release. “To avoid them, facilitate exchanges with health professionals (particularly in the event of an emergency) and help people affected by this pathology in their daily management, the Tête en l’air Association has therefore developed HydroApp”, they detail.
Hydrocephalus: how does the new application work?
Free and designed with neurosurgeons, the HydroApp application is availablee in French or English on iOS and Android platforms. Its use offers in particular:
– a dematerialized health record to save the various information concerning hydrocephalus (valve, settings, imaging, referring neurosurgeon, history, etc.); to note episodes of headaches and allergies in follow-up records; to take stock of the treatment or ophthalmological follow-up.
– Monitoring symptoms associated with hydrocephalus, to easily note their evolution over time and better transmit them to health professionals.
– Appointment management, to help plan and monitor medical consultations, thus promoting better coordination of care.
– A complete directory with useful contacts (hospital, referring neurosurgeon, attending physician, ophthalmologist, emergency room, etc.).
– Information and advice to find out more about the disease or answer questions raised by patients and their loved ones.
“HydroApp allows us to have our entire file dematerialized and quickly accessible. It therefore allows us to do without our paper file and reference images in the event of travel, which is very practical” welcomes Anaïs, herself suffering from hydrocephalus.
“HydroApp represents a crucial advance for us, neurosurgeons and emergency physicians, by providing us with the tools necessary to effectively manage valve dysfunctions. Its ease of use and accessibility make it a valuable ally, allowing patients to benefit from a personalized follow-up and optimized support” concludes Doctor Edouard Gimbert.