Should we let him cry?
During the first three months, crying is the primary means of communication for babies. Experts advise not to let a baby cry without comforting him because his body is racing and a large influx of stress-reactive hormones invades his brain, which can affect its development. Practice thefeeding with milk on demand, babywearing, skin to skin or even rocking, which remains the universal soothing gesture, reduces crying.
What the pediatrician, Edwige Antier says
It is not necessary never let a baby cry because his tears have the function of alerting the people on whom he depends that he has a need: hunger, thirst, pain, anxiety of loneliness … By seeking the right answer, by showing our concern, we show to the child that the environment in which he arrives, him so weak and dependent, is benevolent and seeks to understand it. He will be able to build himself in self-esteem and confidence in his parents, he will be an optimistic and enterprising person without fear. If you do not answer him, on the terrible pretext of “giving him a go” or “getting him used to frustration”, he will resign himself after a more or less long time, but will lose confidence in his ability to cope. make it clear and yours to pay attention to him. He risks becoming indifferent, without empathy to the other. Of course, there are bound to be times when you can’t help but let him cry … but you don’t have to let him cry to educate him. “
Should we give him the pacifier or not to calm him down?
It is not uncommon to see a fetus sucking a thumb in its mother’s womb and this instinctive urge is still strong after birth. Your baby may still want to breastfeed for fun or to calm down even after being fed. However, it is not a question of giving it to him at the slightest tears, which can become a bad habit. Your arms, your words, or just a change of diaper can be just as calming. Pediatrician Edwige Antier warns: “The pacifier makes the baby salivate, he loses it and wakes you up ten times because, unlike his thumb, he cannot take it back on his own; and soon keeps it in the mouth even when it doesn’t need it, quite simply so as not to lose it. A real trap that can be avoided by giving her milk, breast or bottle, on demand because all babies regulate themselves. Making him wait by giving him the pacifier is not a good solution! “
Good to know. According to specialists, the oral problems that the pacifier can cause mainly occur only after prolonged use, that is to say after the appearance of the first teeth.
If you nevertheless opt for the pacifier. Make sure it’s always spotlessly clean and buy multiple copies so you always have one on hand.
Learn to listen to baby crying
Hunger, stomach ache, teething, tiredness are all messages that the baby transmits through his crying and that should not be taken lightly. To know how to listen, understand her crying, providing him with comfort as soon as he needs it is very important for his internal security and he will not become a spoiled child!
It is not really possible to identify a baby’s specific needs by crying
According to pediatrician Edwige Antier: “When we say that we recognize babies’ needs by the tone of their crying, this is not possible, because a baby cries for several reasons at the same time: he is hungry, he wants be against you, he has a stomach ache, he is sleepy or he does not know it himself … there is a medical cause (regurgitation, fever …). By researching, you get to know your baby better, who will find his resources in this emotional base of security: his mum supported by his daddy. “