January 18, 2017.
Every year in France, carbon monoxide poisoning claims the lives of more than a hundred people. So how do you protect yourself from it?
Watch out for petroleum stoves!
The cold snap has forced French homes to increase their heating and, for some, to stay sealed at home. This behavior can be dangerous since it leads to an increased risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Between October 2015 and April 2016, more than 3,500 people were poisoned and more than 2,000 of them had to be hospitalized.
To reduce the risk of poisoning, the Ministry of Health has launched a prevention campaign that highlights the main reflexes to adopt in the event of extreme cold. First of all, it is recommended never to use an additional combustion heater for a prolonged period, like kerosene stoves. You should also remember to air your apartment or house daily, at least for a few minutes.
The reflexes to adopt in case of intoxication
The Ministry of Health has also made a point of reminding you that the ventilation grids of your home should not be blocked. Even if this prevents fresh air from entering an already cold room, such as a bathroom. At last, it is forbidden to use a generator in a closed place and moreover in a home. Be careful, carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless!
But how do you know when you are poisoned? Carbon monoxide poisoning is manifested by headache, nausea, dizziness or fatigue. If you experience these symptoms, ventilate your home immediately, turn off combustion appliances, evacuate the premises, and if the situation requires it, dial 15, 18 or 112 (or 114 for the hearing impaired).
Marine Tertrais
Read also: Carbon monoxide: how to protect yourself properly?