April 19, 2017.
Losing weight to fit into our swimsuits has become a priority for some of us. But before we jump into too severe a diet, it’s important to understand the brain’s role in weight loss.
Starving yourself is useless
What if losing weight was beyond our control? This idea may seem absurd to you, however, this is what the American neurobiologist Sandra Aamodt, author of the book, puts forward. Why diets make you fat, in the columns of Figaro. ” Our brain decides our weight, not us She says. Clear, it is not by starving yourself that you will be able to lose weight.
To reach this conclusion, Sandra Aamodt imposed a particular discipline on herself for a year: she did not diet, did not weigh herself and performed physical activity every day. At the end of this experiment, she was able to observe that his weight had stabilized. To understand the mechanisms of her own body, the neurobiologist has gone through many studies on the question.
Diets are not effective in the long run
She came to the conclusion that dieting can never be effective in the long run. Only regular physical activity can make us lose weight. ” For the brain, there is no overweight, just a stable weight to defend “, She explains in the daily newspaper. ” Many people considered overweight based on their BMI are actually under the weight their brain commands. And will try in vain to lose weight. “
According to his work, 80% of people who have successfully lost weight regain it in the following years. To lose weight, you shouldn’t obsess over food. We must eat balanced and avoid excess. If we practice regular physical activity, these exceptional excesses can be erased. If you are unable to achieve the weight you want and are leading a healthy lifestyle, don’t worry, your brain has decided otherwise.
Read also: 5 tips to lose weight sustainably
Marine Rondot