We will soon no longer have to speak of hospitals but of territorial hospital groups (GHT). The Ministry of Health has in fact formalized the creation of 135 GHT to promote networking among 850 French hospitals and improve access to care.
“Guarantee better access to care for all patients”
The regional health agencies (ARS) and the various actors of French public hospitals have been working together for five years to form groups of establishments “which take into account the realities on the ground, territory by territory“specifies the Ministry of Healthin a press release. This map now established, it is now necessary to specify in a concrete way the medical projects that will be shared between the different hospitals of the same GHT. “This work will lead, for example, to the establishment of regional medical teams, advanced medical consultations, or even to the acceleration of the development of telemedicine.“, details the Ministry of Health in a press release. Minister Marisol Touraine for her part indicated that it was a”major reform for the hospital […] which will ensure better access to care for all patients across the country“.
The French generally support the implementation of GHT
Last June, a Odoxa surveyasked the French about their satisfaction with hospitals and the GHT reform. The implementation of GHTs was generally poorly known since 65% of French people had never heard of it, but its principle was approved if they made it possible to “rationalize access to care to make it more efficient and less expensive“(81% of French people in favor), if they favored”the’access to care for all“(80% favorable) or if they did” face to medical deserts“(80% favorable).
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